Legal Entity Identifier
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is the code that identifies the parties in financial operations on all the world's markets and legal systems.
Lei Italy InfoCamere
InfoCamere is the foremost operator in Italy for the assignment of LEI codes, and is one of the 30 organisations at world level that is officially authorised by GLEIF (Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation) to operate as a LOU (Local Operating Unit). To request, renew or transfer a LEI code, all Italian legal entities operating on financial markets can register and access the portal using SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or CNS (National Service Charter). It is also possible to search for the LEI code of any company with headquarters in Italy.
ID LEI InfoCamere
In 2023 InfoCamere was also accredited to deliver the service in 3 foreign jurisdictions, the United Kingdom, Germany and Luxembourg, all key countries in the financial world. From the new portal the legal entities who are interested in doing so can activate, renew or transfer a LEI Code in just a few minutes, and count on immediate, customised assistance in their own language via chat, telephone, e-mail.
Find out more from the dedicated service web sites: