InfoCamere ID
Digital identity and signature
InfoCamere, a pioneer of Digital Signature and computerisation of the Chambers of Commerce System from as early as 2000, is a QTSP (Qualified Trust Service Provider) recognised by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) and at European level as regards electronic identification and fiduciary services for electronic transactions (eIDAS). Since 2022 it is also an AgID-accredited Digital Identity Manager, and has been authorised to issue SPID digital identities. ID InfoCamere provides businesses and professionals with safe ways of identifying themselves with certainty on line and of signing any deed and document in a legally valid way.
It is possible to choose from:
- ID Smart Card: in the form of a card to be used with the reader
- ID Token Digital DNA: Wireless token and App that can be used anywhere, even from a smart phone
- ID Firma Remota: the solution when you do not have a Chambers of Commerce Token or Smart Card
- ID Digital Signature +:: the Kit with 2 products for immediate signature, Token and Remote Signature
- ID Marche Temporali: to associate a certain and valid date and time to a computerised document
- ID SPID: Pair of strictly personal credentials that identify the digital identity of every individual for on-line access