What we do
Since 1996 we have managed the Business Register, one of the first fully computerised registers in Europe, an official public economic database of national interest. Using cutting-edge technology, we manage access to chamber of commerce data using a “Cloud” based in the Padua Operational Data Center, connected to the headquarters of the Italian Chambers of Commerce via a data network that joins the whole of the nation together. On behalf of the chambers of commerce System we create latest generation services, designed to simplify relations between business and the Public Administration. Like the portal impresainungiorno.gov.it to access the One-Stop Business Advisory Centres (SUAP) for all Italian municipalities, or the platform impresa.italia.it, designed using a “mobile first” logic, to access the data for your business from any device, or again like ID InfoCamere, the digital identity solution within reach of all businesses. Working tools that are designed to make our services easy, safe and intuitive to use wherever and whenever, with the aim of supporting the transition of businesses to digital.